February 19, 2016 March is Nutrition Month-Take a 100 Meal Journey!
Linda Gilmour Kessler, RD
| Category:
Health & Nutrition

March is Nutrition Month – Take a 100 Meal Journey!
Every month we eat about 100 meals! March is Nutrition Month and this year Dietitians of Canada is encouraging you to Take a 100 Meal Journey by making small changes to improve your health, one meal and snack at a time.
HealthyFlax.org is proud to partner as a Nutrition Month Factsheet Sponsor with Dietitians of Canada. Each week of the campaign there will be a factsheet with tips, strategies and ideas to help you make small, positive changes to your meals and snacks.
Week 1 – Get Ready
Take a pledge and join the 100 Meal Journey throughout March. Choose a small, nutrition goal to work on throughout Nutrition Month and beyond.
Week 2 – Quality Counts!
This week focuses on making food decisions that support your goals, such as cooking more meals at home, choosing healthy foods and substituting ingredients.
Week 3 – Prioritize Portion Size!
This week provides strategies for selecting realistic portion sizes during your 100 Meal Journey.
Week 4 – Try Something New!
Because taste is the number one reason for food choice, this week focuses on nourishing meal and snack ideas that are delicious!
Week 5 – Make It Stick!
The tips in this week will equip your with strategies help make your healthy eating stick!
Apps to Help You in Your 100 Meal Journey:
Dietitians of Canada has several helpful apps:
- eaTracker helps you set goals, track habits and get feedback along the way.
- Cookspiration! has hundreds of dietitian-approved recipes to suit your mood and schedule.
- eaTipster gives you new dietitian-approved tips every day to motivate you to stick with your small change!
Adapted from The Dietitians of Canada’s Nutrition Month Campaign Materials. Find more information about Nutrition Month at: www.nutritionmonth2016.ca