Flaxseed Tea

Source:   |  Category: Breakfast, Beverage, Whole Flaxseed

Add a slice of lemon and sweeten with honey to taste.


  • :
  • 2 Tbsp (30 mL) whole flaxseed 
  • 2 cups (500 mL) boiling water 
  • lice of lemon (optional)
  • honey (optional)
:2 Tbsp whole flaxseed 2 cups boiling water lice of lemon (optional)honey (optional)


  1. Place whole flaxseed in tea pot (use a tea ball if desired). Add boiling water and allow to steep 15 minutes. Strain if required.
  2. Add a slice of lemon and sweeten with honey to taste (optional).

Yield: 2 cups (500 mL).

Serving Size:   1 cup (250 mL).

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